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歌谱:im one(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Received: from animal-farm.nevada.edu by redrock.nevada.edu (5.65c/M1.4)
with SMTP id <AA05078>; Sun, 3 Oct 1993 18:47:43 -0700
Received: from itsa.ucsf.EDU by animal-farm.nevada.edu id <AA15599@animal-farm.nevada.edu>; Sun, 3 Oct 1993 18:47:41 -0700
Received: by itsa.ucsf.EDU (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/GSC4.22)
id AA60502; Sun, 3 Oct 1993 18:48:13 -0700
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1993 18:48:13 -0700
From: ddial@itsa.ucsf.EDU (Derek Dial)
Message-Id: <9310040148.AA60502@itsa.ucsf.EDU>
To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu

Song: "I'm One" (Beginning only--with a couple of gaps)
Band: The Who
Album: Quadrophenia
Guy who who spent too much time typing this up: Derek Dial (ddial@itsa.ucsf.edu)

I saw that this song was on the Most Wanted list as of 3/31 so I thought
I would send in as much of it as I know (which is just about all of it).
I hope somebody still wants this.

This is my first attempt at puting anything into tab, and this is what it's
supposed to mean. I think the song is in 4/4 time so I have made
4 dashes (----) equal to one eigth note. (The way I have represented the
bars it may actually be in 8/4 time in which case 4 dashes equals one
quarter note--it dosen't really matter; just listen to the recording and play
it as you here it.) Anway, in the notation 'h' means hammer-on and 'p'
means pull-off. You should let the notes ring throughout the song except
where there is a '.' above the note and where the optional pull-off is. That's about it. Obviously, the strings should be plucked with the fingers
using the standard fingerpicking protocol.

Have fun!

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