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歌谱:my heros have always been cowboys(TXT吉他谱)

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Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1993 00:26:59 EST
From: Steve Vetter <vetters@vax1.elon.edu>
To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu
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Subject: My Heros have always been cowboys - Willie Nelson

Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature
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From: ribtm@ttacs.ttu.edu (Greg Vaughn)
Subject: CRD: My Heroes have always been Cowboys (Willie Nelson)
Message-ID: <ribtm-031193134509@scm41-2.phys.ttu.edu>
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Organization: Insulator Lab Texas Tech U. Physics
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 19:37:02 GMT
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My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys
performed by Willie Nelson
A true classic

1. I grew up dreaming of being a cowboy
2. Cowboys are special with their own brand of misery

1. And loving the cowboy ways.
2. From being alone too long.

1. Pursuing the life of my high riding heroes
2. You could die from the cold in the arms of a nightmare

E7 A7
1. I burned up my childhood days.
2. Knowing well that your best days are gone

1. I learned all the rules of a moder day drifter
2. Picking up hookers instead of my pen

1. DonUt you hold on to nothing too long
2. I let the words of my youth fade away.

1. Just take what you need from the ladies and leave them
2. Old worn out saddles and old worm out memories

D A7 D
1. With the words of a sad country song.
2. With no one and no place to stay.

My heroes have always been cowboys
E7 A7
And they still are it seems
Sadly in search of and one step in back of
D A7 D
Themselves and their slow moving dreams.

This song is in 3/4 time. It sounds best if you hit the bass note of the
chord on the first beat of each measure. You might want to put in some bass
runs like A-B-C#-D between A and D chords where it sounds right.

If you want to talk country guitar with me, or if my notation makes no
feel free to e-mail me.

Greg Vaughn Graduate Student
Pulsed Power Group Insulator Lab
Department of Physics 2
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