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歌谱:captain jims drunken dream(TXT吉他谱)

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From: sjohnson@usa.net

Captain Jim's Drunken Dream
Words and Music by James Taylor
(c) 1976, 1980 Country Road Music

G Em7 G Em7
Now you country fools in your one-horse town, you can laugh at me
G Em7 G Em7
It's plain as rain that you've never been down to the southern sea
G Em7 G Em7
To see me now is like watching a fish on dry land
G Em7 F/C C
I only wish you could see me down in the is- lands
Mister, that's my home
F C Am7 C/D G Em7 G Em7
What a fool I was to leave the only happiness I've known.

G Em7 G Em7
You see me comin', you wink your eye and call me Captain Jim
G Em7
And when I don't do nothin' but to walk on by you say,
G Em7
"Baby get a load of him."
G Em7 G Em7
All I need is the sea and the sky and I know where I stand
G Em7 F/C C
instead of you hicks straight out of the sticks deciding I ain't a man
You'll never understand;
F C Am7 D
Up here I'm just a whiskey bum but down there I'm a king
F C Am7 Dsus4
It sounds just like the angels up in heaven when they sing:
D7 G Em7 G Em7 G Em7
"Welcome home, welcome home." -- Such a sight to see
F C G/B Am7
instead of some Salvation Army sister singin'
C/D G Em7 G Em7
"Nearer My God to Thee."

G Em7 G Em7
Now I know that the Yankee whiskey is takin' away my mind
G Em7 G Em7
and I know that run is the only drink suitable to man-kind
G Em7 G Em7
And I know that this tree I'm under is shaped entirely wrong
G Em7 F/C
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