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歌谱:what child is this (chromatic)(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:未知歌手 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

note: # means slide in
(e.g.: 3# means blow 3 slide in
-3# means draw 3 slide in)


-3 4 -5 6 -6 6 -5 -4 3 -3
what child is this who's laid to rest,

-4 5 -3 -3 3 -3 -4 3 2
on mary's la-p is slee-ping?

-3 4 -5 6 -6 6 -5 -4 3 -3
whom angels greet with an-thems sweet,

-4 5 -4 -3 3# -2# 3# -3 -3
while shep-herds wa-tch are keeping?


7 7 -6 6 -5 -4 3 -3
this, this is christ the king,

-4 4 -3 -3 3 -3 -4 3 2
whom shepherds guard and an-gels sing;

7 7 -6 6 -5 -4 3 -3
haste, haste, to bring him laud,

-4 4 -4 -3 3# -2# 3# -3 -3
the babe, the so---n of ma-ry.

verse 2
why lies he in such mean estate,
where ox and ass are feeding?
good christians, fear, for sinners here
the silent word is pleading.

chorus 2
nails, spear shall pierce him through,
the cross be borne for me, for you.
hail, hail the word made flesh,
the babe, the son of mary.

verse 3
so bring him incense, gold and myrrh,
come peasant, king to own him;
the king of kings salvation brings,
let loving hearts enthrone him.

chorus 3
raise, raise a song on high,
the virgin sings her lullaby.
joy, joy for christ is born,
the babe, the son of mary.

note: alternately, you may use
chorus 1 instead of choruses 2 & 3.

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